If you’ve ever placed an order, requested a quote, or had a shipment on its way, chances are Kam has been behind the scenes making sure everything runs smoothly.
She supports our global accounts, working alongside Dean to handle quotes, orders, shipping, and customer queries, even the occasional complaint. Every day is different and the volume of emails can vary too. Anywhere from 40 to over 100 in a single day. But no matter what comes her way, Kam keeps Alwayse moving.
She works closely with our production team, especially Paul and Richard, to stay on top of any potential delays and ensure everything goes to plan. Having been with the company for six and a half years, she knows the ins and outs of the business.
Before this, she worked in billing and credit control for another business, where her ability to sort out complex projects quickly made her the go-to person for problem-solving.Before that she ran a business making stainless steel exhaust systems and handled online sales across seven eCommerce sites.
What she enjoys most about her role is the variety. No two days are the same. One moment she’s quoting for a standard ball unit, the next she’s working on an enquiry for a large, innovative and complex solution, diving into the details to understand the customer’s needs.
Outside of work, Kam keeps just as busy. She’s a devoted grandmother, spends time at the gym doing pilates and yoga, and even organises local events and meet-ups.
Kam plays a huge role in keeping our operations running seamlessly.